Harmonizing Screen Time and Language Growth

A Delicate Balance between Entertainment and Growth

Author : Mahasri Das

Published : 2024, January 14 (10 min read)

As mentioned in my recent article "Delayed Language Development Post-CoVID-19: Unmasking the Screen-Time Connection", there has been a substantial rise in speech and language delay post-lockdown, mainly due to a substantial rise in the amount of screen time utilized on a daily basis

While in a utopian world, we would prefer the complete non-existence of any screen time, in reality, it is no longer an option. Some amount of screen time exposure is inevitable in today’s world. Here are some interesting statistics regarding presence or absence of screen-time utilization currently.

But how much duration of exposure is safe? Are there some type of guidelines? The American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry in 2022 made the following the age-wise recommended Screen time Duration chart. 

This post clearly not only states the duration up to which the child should be actually utilizing screen time; but also how it is best utilized

While the set guidelines are easy to understand, execution of the same can be a major challenge. Here are some easy to follow strategies one can utilize to begin with

Final Thoughts

Many apps that limit screen-time especially via parental control are now available on various media.
Some examples are:

External Source: 

🔗 https://www.nytimes.com/wirecutter/reviews/best-apps-to-manage-your-kids-phone/

🔗 https://www.youtubekids.com/