Language Development in Toddlers

Is Your 18-24 Month Old Progressing Well?

Author : Mahasri Das

Published : 2023, December 3 (3 min read)

Do you ever wonder if your child is picking up language correctly? Are you worried how much your child tries to speak is just below expectation? Or are you just over-stressed? Take the test and find out whether your child is above or below the expected threshold.

Understanding marks the initial stride in the right direction. Each month, we assist hundreds of children in successfully overcoming developmental challenges.


The first five years of a child are the most crucial for language development, and each age range in this period is special in its own way. Each age range is a stepping stone to correcting the development of language.

When your child is 18–24 months old, they should be able to string together two words into one utterance. They should be able to express his/her thoughts in a manner which is way more meaningful than using a single word.

Do you feel that your child is just not able to do the same? That they are falling behind when it comes to language development?

Luckily, making sentences is not the only criterion that makes your child’s development of language age-appropriate. There are other criteria, too, which we can take into consideration

Take this test to determine which criteria are present in your child and if your child is above or below the expected threshold.

How to find out whether my child needs therapy?

Assign 1 point for every “yes” you mention to the 14 points highlighted above.

Is the total score more than or equal to 50% i.e. 7 points? 🙂

Your child is currently following a normal language development pattern. It's important to consistently monitor their progress and maintain ongoing communication. Regular interaction significantly enhances language development during the crucial first five years of a child's life.

Is the total score below 50% i.e. 7 points? 😣

There's a potential concern that your child might be experiencing a delay in language development. Creating a language-rich environment is crucial for natural speech learning. The more exposure to language, the faster your child may reach expected developmental milestones. We recommend consulting with a Speech Language Therapist for a personalized therapy plan. Additionally, stay tuned to our page for valuable tips on fostering language development.

Final Thoughts

It is absolutely empirical for us to closely monitor our child's speech development; this not only supports their current growth but also nurtures their future confidence.