Unlocking Language Development

A Guide to Home Tracking

Author : Mahasri Das

Published : 2023, December 13 (2 min read)

Ever wondered how to measure the impact of language-focused activities in your child's daily routine? How can you gauge the success of these interactions? If you find yourself pondering these questions, you're not alone. But fear not—there's a simple solution.


Explore our user-friendly "Language Progress Tracker for beginners" designed precisely for this purpose. This versatile tool allows you to track activities using Yes/No, numbers, percentages, or even vibrant visual cues like ticks and crosses. The choice is yours.

Whether you prefer weekly or daily tracking, this tracker empowers you to monitor the frequency and quality of home-based language stimulation activities. Here's a truth: You are the real Speech-Language Pathologist (SLP) in your child's eyes—the person nurturing their happy place called 'home.'

An SLP serves as a guide, teaching and leading you to success, always striving to empower and motivate. Yet, the true leader in this journey is you. Remember, you hold the reins—the one in charge of cultivating a thriving language-rich environment at home.

Final Thoughts

It's crucial for us to closely track our child's language development, fostering not only their current growth but also cultivating confidence for the future.